Zettlekasten, a note taking aproach

One note, one thought, connections and essence

Taking notes is important.

Personally, I heavily rely on Evernote to capture anything I encounter on the internet, in my emails or from my brain.

During this note taking journey and if you too are a note-enthusiast, you might encounter the Zettlekasten method.

black pen on white printer paper

Zettlekasten is a method to help you manage knowledge and links between ideas. You can find an intro here .

Stumbling accross an article from the Writing Cooperative, I wanted to summarize the nuggets to apply Zettlekasten:

Key success factors

  • The basic unit of a zettelkasten is a note

    • each note is a single thought

    • A note/thought should be complete in itself

      • you do not require other context to understand what the note is communicating

    • a note is irreducible

      • cannot be broken down into multiple thought

  • Every note in your system is connected (through tags or backlinks)

  • Condense the idea of a note down to one sentence and make it a title

You won’t be surprised to know that this article is a note in my own Zettlekasten System.

See you soon! 📝

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