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⟁ Weekly Review - French dinners have nothing to do with food

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the TRY ANGLES weekly review where my job is to share with you new readings, methods and tools that I have found and tested.

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Some of you are following the series I am dedicating on recruiting, where I share with you the tools and methods to Ace your recruiting process

There are only two kind of people who will want to read this week's review.

  • Those who are curious about why a French dinners are so long, and

  • Those who want to understand how to design a better recruiting process

Personally, I do not believe French dinner are long because we love food and wine. It is just because we spend so much time debating that we need a huge amount of refueling over the course of a meal. French dinners are a battlefield.

Epiphany on why French dinners take so long

While preparing for The Scorecard Episode, I decided to use the metaphore of a dinner to describe the recruiting process. Being French, food made a lot of sense to remember the different steps.

That's when I questioned myself: why do French people have the habit to stay seated and eat for so long?

I believe, it has nothing to do with wine and food. No no no! It is because, over anything else, we love to debate. We love to talk, argue and shred to pieces Uncle Jean-François' argument on taxes or Aunty Bernadette's claim over electrical cars.

It takes so long that we have invented a process to enable refueling ourselves. This process is called: French dinner.

  • **Step 1 - The *"Apéritif"***Standing or sitting around a small table, you'll open your appetite with little amuses-bouches and sparkling drinks. Usually it is the moment where you greet and reconnect with familiar faces you haven't seen in a while.Debating wise, it is the best moment to analyse your opponents evaluate the directions the discussions are going to take. Identify your future allies and who will be your fierce ennemies. Now is a good time to start and build bridges before battle begins

  • **Step 2 - The *"Entrée"***Time to join the table, where everybody will start to share opinions on their favorite topics. It is a turning point where topics will be selected. Only a few can survive until Main Course.Debating is at the beginning, it's the warm up.

  • Step 3 - Main CourseThings are getting serious at this point, this is what every body is waiting for, the prime time argument. At this stage, you've filtered out the less important topics and you have focused on two to three main subjects that gather the attention of the entire table.

  • **Step 4 - The *"Trou Normand"***Culinary wise, this step is made of sorbet bathing into liquor, to help the main course to settle. After this whole lot of emotions, you needed that break to take a step back and see the bigger picture.

  • Step 5 - CheeseUsually served on a shared platter, passing from person to person. It embodies the road to agreement, where everybody share their thoughts, opinions, and compromise over past arguments.

  • Step 6 - DesertThings are getting sweeter towards the end of the meal, settlement is near. At that point you'll have a consensus at the table after the heated debates which have been occurring over the past four hours.

  • **Step 7 - *"Digestif"***Celebrating time! Elders open the cupboard to dig out the serious stuff. After that round debate is over.

I am really looking forward to Christmas dinner! 🎅

If you're thinking it has nothing to do with recruiting ... You're right

But let's keep the course of a French dinner to lay out the steps of how to design a recruiting scorecard.

A scorecard is a job description on steroïds. And you need it in order to attract the best talents at your company.

Scorecards will help you stand out from other companies ensuring that your values and culture match the candidate's. They will also enable to have a first filter to sort out the less motivated candidates

Scorecards are the necessary starting point of your recruiting process.

In my series on recruiting, Episode #2 on the Scorecard will dive into the details of how to build a great scorecard and help you set the first stone of a solid recruiting process

Here is a summary of the 7-steps to design a great scorecard:

Menu - How to build a scorecard

  • Apéritif - Company's pitch

  • Entrée - Describe the Mission

  • Main Course - Set the Outcomes

  • Trou Normand - Lay out Competencies

  • Cheese - Describe Benefits and Package

  • Desert - Explain the Recruiting Process

  • Digestif - Share and ensure alignment within your company

Helpful links

📚 Book worth reading

Using your brain for change by Richard Bandler (book in 🇬🇧 - book in 🇫🇷)Neuro Linguistic Programming has been such a discovery for me. The book helps you see that you are not necessarily defined by your thoughts, and that reprogramming your brain and your memories is possible since the way memories appear into your mind can be modified. A must read from one of the inventor of NLP. NLP has been developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder mixing maths and psychology

☝️Improve Decision Making

How we make decision at Coinbase by Brian Armstrong, Co-founder and CEO at Coinbase

As fond of new things to try and implement this article has been influential. You'll find the framework used to make decision. It has been helpful to me over the past two weeks to structure and communicate decisions to my teams. The goal is to increase the speed at which decisions are made, decrease bias and communicate it.

Here is the summary of the framework I am using

📲 Useful App

Atext - A text expander app that I have been using for over 2 years now. It has helped me a great deal when it comes to automate writing specific texts or templates. I use it to remember the decision making template up there ⬆️, my social security number or even the hexadecimal combination for the main color of Stockoss' (#78d2b9)

5$ only, which is a serious competitive advantage when you compare to a 3$ monthly fee per user with TextExpander. I have made my choice.

⏅ Previous Episodes



That's it for this weekly review I hope you've enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading and until next time !


‌‌Franck ⏅