Programming memories

Change default settings, everywhere

In 2015, while in San Francisco, somebody told me about NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Curious as always, I purchased Richard Bandler’s book.

Recently re-reading it. There is a nice idea around the first pages

  • You do not need to accept how default settings are presented to you

We all have memories, and everytime we remember something, we remember it in a certain way.

Each memory has a set of emotions attached to it.

However, NLP claims that you can intentionally modify the default settings in order to change, enhance or reduce the intensity of such memories.

You can do it by playing with submodalities, which are parameters enabling you to change the way you remember something.

Below, 7 examples of parameters you can play with if you want to change the intensity of your memories:

  1. Color

  2. Distance

  3. Contrast

  4. Movement

  5. Speed

  6. Transparency

  7. Proportions

We have the choice to accept the default settings that are configured for us. We can accept them from our brain with our memories, or even from Gmail and Apple.

However, there’s is an option for you to customise each and every experience, from your brain to your emails.

So customise!

PS: do you know what ⬆️ + # does in Gmail (once you’ve enabled shortcuts)?

PS2: do you know what Ctrl + Cmd + Space does in your Mac? 🤔

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Sources : Richard Bandler - Using Your Brain for a Change