Motivation in sports and performing contexts

How to understand and apply scientific models AGT vs SDT

Setting foot on the mats

Sport and business have similarities, one of them is competitiveness.

When you are in a competing environment, there is a need for motivation, highly so.

While practicing brasilian jiu jitsu, I try as much as possible to get into the arena, and compete.

Imagine yourself in a fighting tournament, setting foot on the mat. You need to find the motivation to beat your opponent. He/She is there, right in front of you. In a matter of minutes, only one of you will get a chance to continue to the next round.

The other, will go take a shower.

Mental strength has a major impact on your performance in such situations. Moreover, it is as much a battle of fighting skills, than of mental ones.

If you have a drop in motivation at this moment, there is a higher chance of loss.

Recently my results have not quite been there yet, and somehow I was wondering if the cause wasn’t partly a lack of motivation.

A number of questions have been rising following my latest loss:

  • How does motivation work (scientifically)?

  • How can I can change my approach to boost motivation?

  • Is there a way to systemise the boost in motivation, like an engine?

A definition

What is motivation: 

In a fight you’ll certainly have an extrinsic motivation: your opponent will advance and try to submit you as fast as possible. So you’d better get some kind of sense of urgency there.

In this case, I wouldn’t worry that much on extrinsic motivation because we are surrounded by them daily:

  • a competitor in a RFQ,

  • a boss,

  • a colleague,

  • a clock

Somehow what seems to me the most difficult to crack is the mechanics around the process “taking place within the individual”, the intrinsic motivation.

What does Science say? has a paper detailing two theories

Achievement Goal Theory (AGT)

Some quotes to define the theory:

  • an individual’s investment of personal resources such as effort, talent, and time in an activity is dependent on the achievement goal of the individual.

  • assumes that the individual is an intentional, rational, goal-directed organism and that achievement goals govern achievement beliefs and guide subsequent decision making and behavior in achievement contexts

  • [AGT goal of action is] the desire to develop and demonstrate competence and to avoid demonstrating incompetence

Self-Determination Theory (SDT)

Quotes from the paper, mentioning Deci & Ryan, 1985:

  • individuals will develop and function most effectively when their immediate psychosocial environment provides support for their basic psychological needs. 

  • Three basic psychological needs have been identified, namely, the need for autonomy, the need for competence, and the need for relatedness

  • When all three needs are satisfied within an activity, individuals will feel a high degree of autonomous and self-determined motivation

SDT for the long run?

From here, there’s a fork in the road for the two theories from what the paper states. You can effectively use both theories based on your view on motivation:

  • motivation comes from satisfying basic needs (SDT)

  • motivation comes from demonstrating task or ego-competence (AGT)

Personally, I relate more on the SDT, because it seems to me that it goes wider than just getting satisfaction from achieving tasks (understanding from AGT).

I am not sure you can feel satisfied by only achieving tasks that you write off your to do list.

At least, in the long run you need to align tasks with a goal, a vision, hence the basic needs. The vision can be personal or can be professional, I believe it works in the same way.

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Ideas for future articles on related subjects

  • Wheel of autonomy

  • Neuro linguistic programming

  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
